Saturday, April 22, 2006

Marlboro Red Discus

Throughout this section you will see the name 'Marlboro Red Discus' or 'Pigeon Blood' when we refer to some yellow-basic discus varieties, but actually the proper name would be 'Golden' or just 'Red Discus', because the name 'Pigeon Blood' and Marlboro Red Discus' themselves are actually belong to Thailand's Mr. Kitti Phanaitti, and of course, the name 'Marlboro' is a registered trade mark that belong to Mr. Phillip Morris. But because these names seem to be more friendly to some aquarist, then for the sake of simplicity we will just use them instead of inventing new ones.

This pair of Marlboro Red Discus have just finished their spawning process.
This is the perfect time to move the 3” PVC pipe onto which they have laid their eggs into a 5 liters plastic container for hatching process.
The process usually take 60 to 72 hours, but the whole process from this state until the fry are free-swimming will take about 1 week, so it is a fairly long period, a perfect situation for parasites to develop.
For this, we always use methylene blue to protect the eggs from harmful microorganism.

The pair of Marlboro Red Discus in above photograph is our hi-quality type of this variety. They have no stripe on the forehead and face area, the central of the body and the finnage area is also bold.
Not all of the discus derived from such pair inherit their parent's quality, we have to select such quality carefully and separate them from the standard Marlboro Red Discus like the one in the right photograph.
Despite of the differences, we can proudly say that our Marlboro Red Discus have uniform, perfect round body, the black dots almost non-existent and they grow up so fast compare to any other types of discus fish.


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